Meet your trainer

 Monique Hoving - Marriage & Family Therapist (RCC/CCC)

Monique Hoving is registered as a Canadian Certified Counsellor (CCC) with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA) and a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) with the BCACC.
During her journey as a therapist, she saw the complexities surrounding childhood development, trauma, distress and its impact on people’s identity, relationships, and overall well-being. She studied several therapeutic approaches providing valuable insights for therapists in navigating the complexities of addressing the impact of life stressors, yet it seemed that most therapies zoom in on one or two elements of how trauma impacts someone, such as changing your thoughts to change emotions in order to change behavior, or to become mindful of our emotions and thoughts and learn to detach. The focus remains however fairly narrow in addressing positive change. In response, her therapeutic approach evolved, recognizing the imperative need for a holistic framework that addresses the multifaceted impact of trauma. She firmly believes that our brain, eyes, sensory system, nervous system, body, emotions, beliefs, and relationships are key elements that need to be addressed holistically. Capturing this complexity in therapy is a challenge, but an inclusive and integrative approach is paramount to cultivating a robust sense of well-being. After her master's degree in Marriage and Family therapy, she started to organically combine different therapeutic elements that seemed essential to healing the complexity of trauma, attachment ruptures, and life distress.

Capturing this complexity and comprehensiveness in therapy is a challenge, but an inclusive and integrative approach is paramount to cultivating a robust sense of well-being. After my master's degree in Marriage and Family therapy, I started to organically combine different therapeutic elements that seemed essential to healing the complexity of trauma, attachment ruptures, and life distress. Over three transformative years, I developed TRIP - Trauma Regulation and Integration Process. Working one eye at a time, transformed my understanding of the brain, body,  nervous system and internal attachment dynamics.
With one eye open I heard and observed different responses, memories, sensations, ages, and life-stage based information (information from compartmentalized aspects of ourselves that connected directly to the life-stage and development of when the experience occurred).  I listened deeply to the needs, longings, fears, and concerns that fully led me to understand the two seemingly opposing "staying protected, vs. staying connected at all costs". Understanding this in the contact of trauma, distress and attachment development I was able to create the 3 Core Processes.

TRIP guides the client through the essential stages of Projection, Permission & Compassion, forging a path towards profound healing by addressing core themes such as trust, boundaries, accurate perception of threat and safety, permission & volition, as well as treating the specifics of each person’s experience. Observing the dynamic shifts and healing transformation possible of   our brain, nervous system, and limbic functions, and attachment dynamics. I'm excited by TRIP’s impact on trauma recovery..

To contact Monique email her at:

TRIP’S historiography

Neuroscience of emotional integration in therapy
- Marriage & Family Therapist