This directory lists therapists who are trained in the TRIP approach.
The therapists are located in Canada and the USA. The level of training and experience of these therapists varies, please check the therapist's specific details to ensure a suitable fit. Some may offer an initial free consultation to identify a suitable fit.
Clinical & Legal considerations offering T.R.I.P. therapy sessions to other therapists:
Experiential Learning Experiences:At times therapists may wish to experience T.R.I.P. sessions as part of their experiential learning experience during their training or experience T.R.I.P. sessions as a way to determine if they would like to take T.R.I.P. training. These typically are of a short-term nature. Depending on your location this may not hinder providing this to a therapist inter-state, as it's considered a practical learning experience, versus offering therapy.
T.R.I.P trauma therapy for therapists:
Other times therapists (or other clients) may contact you for longer timer therapy options. Please ensure you offer services within the jurisdiction and guidelines of your location and regulating body.
RelationshipWorx is not and cannot be held responsible for this or any local application of law and ethics. RelationshipWorx is not and cannot be held responsible clinically or professionally for the therapists listed below. All therapists have provided permission to have their information be listed below.