T.R.I.P. Xpress

This introduction to TRIP's theoretical framework provides a unique opportunity to explore the profound transformation that occurs when we integrate eye-brain techniques, resulting in organic access to different aspects or Parts of ourselves, emotion-focused practices, and somatic strategies, all within the context of attachment theory. Discover how the three fundamental processes—Projection, Permission, and Compassion- expertly navigate the aftermath of trauma. Watch compelling video segments showcasing TRIP in action with clients.

Learning Objectives

A 5-hour introduction into TRIP’s theoretical framework comprising of the integrative skill set & the 3 Core Processes.
Review and discuss the impact of working with a specific set of eye-brain techniques, working one eye open at a time
Evaluate the significance of integrating eye-brain techniques, Parts work, emotion-focused practices, somatic strategies &attachment theory.
Identify & differentiate the purpose of the 3 Core Processes: the Projection, Permission & Compassion process.
Observe & discuss client recordings engaging in TRIP therapy.
Experience the Permission process in a guided group format, without sharing details with others.
Observe & discuss client recordings engaging in TRIP therapy Please note this training does not equip therapists to facilitate TRIP with clients

Important Note: 
This training does not qualify or endorse therapists to facilitate TRIP with clients. It serves as an introduction to the approach and its impact on trauma recovery and attachment repair. Therapists can gain experiential insight into the modality through this training, helping them assess their interest in pursuing full training in this approach.

Length: 1 day Time: 10 am - 4 pm PST
Dates: 8 June 2024, future dates to be announced on the FB group or here on the website
Cost: USD 175 / 205 CAD


User Review Box

I found this training to be incredibly valuable and thorough. Monique did a wonderful job of making sure we got through all the necessary material while allowing us space to explore our questions and curiosities. I find TRIP incredibly valuable when working with people as they navigate complex and childhood trauma.   I was debating between several trainings that incorporate eye-brain strategies and am so happy that I chose TRIP. It incorporates so many approaches that are evidence based and valued by clients including parts work, eye-brain techniques, somatic work, trauma-informed emotion-focused strategies, and a deep integration of trauma-informed attachment work. People I work with have shared that they appreciate the ongoing consent, pacing, the meaning-making that are part of using TRIP in their healing journeys
Suki A.

“ I just have to share how much I'm enjoying this training. I knew when the universe tossed TRIP in my direction that it was no coincidence, this is the first training I've taken in almost a decade that really resonates and just feels right. Watching you be with clients in videos, and then witnessing your passion in training, is so inspiring to me! It is amazing to be in the company of someone who is as rabidly passionate about trauma work as I am. I feel very blessed to be participating and learning from you.”

“Monique is a very skilled teacher. The T.R.I.P modelsynergizes concepts from other therapy models in a practicalway to help practitioners guide clients to navigate regulationand co-regulation of trauma symptoms. I have taken anumber of other trainings in this area and I found Monique'straining to provide the most practical resources to supportmy work with clients.”
-Joel P.